Oh Iris you came into my life at a pivotal moment. I remember it well in August 1979. Yes I mean I was a bit of a nervous child beforehand but you solidified that stigma in me. Made it whole. 27th? Or 29th? I don't remember seeing you that day. I was told of my father’s passing but you must have been there scoping the situation and knowing I was the perfect candidate for your services.
I was a willowy child of 7 and starting first grade a week later. Now most children would be excited or such but not me. I was weary about this whole thing...you know leaving the house and not being available to find out who else wasn’t going to be in my life anymore when I got home. You know, the little things like that so you Iris swooped in in the nick of time and coached me in the nuances of staying home all that year.
I remember it wildly, especially on a Sunday eve when I knew I had to do whatever it was to stay home the next day if not that whole week. You iris would bubble up that feeling of dread in my stomach and as I can remember I had such a talent for being able to throw up on a dime whenever and wherever it was necessary. Oh yes this was way before I even knew your name.
I received a second hand introduction from my mother one evening in the upstairs hallway bathroom. Iris the Virus she told me and I didn't say it then but oh how i welcomed you. You knew how I needed to hide there in my home where comfort was. I could scope out all who were still living and be sure it would stay that way. The school kids did not understand nor did I know how to voice it. I didn't know at the time I could utilize help from anyone. Nor did anyone offer to me as that small child. We were 7 mind you so who cared at that age anyway right. Oh Iris, you would accompany me on those dreaded days. I had to go to school planning on the perfect moments to coax me into finding just the right moment to puke so we could escape that place with all those people and make it back to safety. Miss McQuaid, my first grade teacher nor did anyone else in the faculty realize what you were doing and the fear and anxiety you had at 7 so it was just me and you Iris. I remember when I was told I was acting like a baby hahaha. That's right I will act however I can to get the hell out of here and get back home. Call me whatever you want. Iris was there and she helped me. Oh iris call me when you can.
I should try to find her on facebook.
I was a willowy child of 7 and starting first grade a week later. Now most children would be excited or such but not me. I was weary about this whole thing...you know leaving the house and not being available to find out who else wasn’t going to be in my life anymore when I got home. You know, the little things like that so you Iris swooped in in the nick of time and coached me in the nuances of staying home all that year.
I remember it wildly, especially on a Sunday eve when I knew I had to do whatever it was to stay home the next day if not that whole week. You iris would bubble up that feeling of dread in my stomach and as I can remember I had such a talent for being able to throw up on a dime whenever and wherever it was necessary. Oh yes this was way before I even knew your name.
I received a second hand introduction from my mother one evening in the upstairs hallway bathroom. Iris the Virus she told me and I didn't say it then but oh how i welcomed you. You knew how I needed to hide there in my home where comfort was. I could scope out all who were still living and be sure it would stay that way. The school kids did not understand nor did I know how to voice it. I didn't know at the time I could utilize help from anyone. Nor did anyone offer to me as that small child. We were 7 mind you so who cared at that age anyway right. Oh Iris, you would accompany me on those dreaded days. I had to go to school planning on the perfect moments to coax me into finding just the right moment to puke so we could escape that place with all those people and make it back to safety. Miss McQuaid, my first grade teacher nor did anyone else in the faculty realize what you were doing and the fear and anxiety you had at 7 so it was just me and you Iris. I remember when I was told I was acting like a baby hahaha. That's right I will act however I can to get the hell out of here and get back home. Call me whatever you want. Iris was there and she helped me. Oh iris call me when you can.
I should try to find her on facebook.